Conversations about Language Teaching
"Conversations about Language Teaching" is a podcast of unscripted discussions of language teaching, drawing on both research and classroom & online language teaching. If you like thinking deeply about issues of classroom language teaching and how those relate to research and theory, this podcast might be for you.
Reed & Diane, the hosts, base our knowledge of language teaching on research we've read & done, theoretical views of language acquisition, our experiences as language teachers and learners, and our observations of language teaching in the US and elsewhere. We like to help build bridges among teachers and researchers and view ourselves as part of both communities. We collaborate on projects & like talking about language teaching & learning, and decided to have some of those conversations in a podcast format. Here it is!
A transcripted, video version of the podcast is on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/@ConversationsaboutLanguage
More about Diane: https://sites.google.com/view/dianen/home
More about Reed: http://www.reedriggs.com
Conversations about Language Teaching
Episode 15: Language Learner Strategies
Season 2 Episode 15: Language Learner Strategies
Show Notes
The chapter is chapter 34 in this book:
Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton, D., & Snow, M. A., Eds. (2014). Teaching English as a Second Or Foreign Language. National Geographic Learning. 4th edition.
A free PDF of the 3rd edition (the 2001 edition) is available free here. You can browse parts of the most recent edition (the 2013 4th edition) on Google Books here.
We discussed points from chapter 34 by James E. Purpura:
Purpura, J. (2014). Language learner styles and strategies. In M. Celce-Murcia, D. Brinton, & A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (4th ed.) (pp. 532-549). Boston, MA: National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning.
Here is James Purpura's webpage: https://www.tc.columbia.edu/faculty/jp248/
Diane mentioned Sarah Breckley, Spanish teacher: https://sarahbreckley.com/
Intro & outro music selected from "23 Light Years" by CavalloPazzo
Thanks for listening to Conversations about Language Teaching.
Watch on YouTube where episodes are captioned: